Water for Kambia, Kono, Koinadugu, Bonthe and Pujehun
Approximately 11,400 people living in vulnerable communities in Kambia, Kono, Pujehun, Bonthe and Koinadugu, are now benefiting from the rehabilitation and construction of 57 boreholes. This work is the beginning of a greater push to provide safe water to over 700,000 people in the districts.
Kambia District Chairman, Samuel Sankoh said: “The provision of safe water through these boreholes will help stem the outbreaks of water borne diseases in Kambia district.”
District councils selected beneficiary communities based on vulnerability assessments. To ensure sustainability and ownership, water, sanitation and hygiene committees are being established.
By June 2017, 125 boreholes will be constructed across the five districts. Eighty of these will be manually operated and 45 will be solar powered. The project is funded by the African Development Bank.