Youth Groups Interested in a Career in Waste Management
*Calling Youth Groups Interested in Running their own Business in Waste Management*
Young Sierra Leonean youth groups are being invited to set up cooperatives to apply to operate commercial waste management services in the community where they live.
Successful community groups will receive a start-up kit, ongoing business support, waste management training and the chance to run their own businesses
The closing deadline has been extended for youth groups interested in business opportunities in waste management in the wards listed below. This is because we have had less than the required number of applications from these wards.
Please take some time to go through the wards and see if your ward is listed. We have also included the area.
The new deadline is: 21st February 2017
Forms are available at Freetown City Council and WARD C. Please note that Tuesday is the only available day to collect and submit forms, because of the extended weekend.
326 - Leciester, Gloucester, Regent, Bathurst, Shallot, Motem, Mongbagba, Kamada Farm, Tree Planting, motomeh, Mosimbo, Hill Top, Gbangnayilla
327 - Partial parts of: Grafton, Roke, Yams Farm, Devil Hole, Deept Eye Water
331 - Goderich, Over Funkia
332 - Gbendehbu, Majay Town, Fonima, Bauya, Dodo, Battalion
333 - Goderich, Mecthem, Adonkia, Angola Town, Milton Margai College
341 - Soja Town, Kossoh Town, Gbansian, Congo Town, Salankotor
349 - Robis
350 - Industrial Estate
355 - Portee
356 - Jalloh terrace
357 - Thunder hill
358 - low cost housing and shell
359 - Kissy mess mess
361 - Kissy bye pass 11 and part of shell
362 - Kissy bye pass 1 section
363 - Mambarigde 11 and kissy mental
364 - Part of kissy brook, mambaridge 1
366 - Ashobi conner and part of kissy brook
367 - Cline Town
368 - Quarry and part of Fourabay
370 - Ginger hall