MEST launches Quality Lesson Plans and Teachers Verification Exercise
Over 40,000 teachers nationwide will benefit from the new Ministry of Education, Science and Technology initiatives “Quality Lesson Plans for Quality Instruction” and “Schools Mapping and Teachers Verification Exercise,” funded by the UK Government.
Earlier this week, (21 March 2017) the Honourable Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Dr Minkailu Bah was proud to be
in Makeni City, Bombali District launching two new initiatives under the President’s Recovery Priorities for Education.
The first initiative will place lesson plans for the entire Language Arts and Maths curriculum in the hands of all Primary and Junior Secondary School teachers in Sierra Leone. The second initiative will verify all payroll teachers and map the schools where they work. Both of these initiatives will together support the professional development of over 40,000 teachers nationwide. They will lead to children learning more, achieving more and establishing a strong foundation for Sierra Leone’s development and future prosperity.
Quality Lesson Plans for Quality Instruction
Over 40,000 teachers across Sierra Leone will benefit from new lesson plans in Language Arts and Mathematics, across all primary and junior secondary school grades. These lesson plans and training will give teachers the support they need to provide high quality teaching to their classes. This is a new initiative led by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) funded by the UK Government and delivered in partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and other education partners.
Schools Mapping and Teachers Verification Exercise
The education system will benefit from the now started Schools Mapping and Teachers Verification Exercise to develop a clean Information Management System for schools and teachers, which will help identify and tackle resource gaps. The will enable Sierra Leone’s education system to be better understood and serve citizens more effectively.
All schools in the country with teachers on the government payroll will be reached. It is intended to:
Update teacher records
Record qualified volunteer teachers delivering services in Government of Sierra Leone schools to inform policy decisions.
This process is being led by MEST, the Teaching Service Commission and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.
Speaking at the launch, the Minister said: “The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology recognises that the heart of our school system is the pupils and the teachers. I am committed to continuing to deliver the changes that will make our country stronger and ensure the quality of teaching and learning in Sierra Leone continues to improve.”
Also speaking was UK Government Senior Education Adviser, Dr. Chris Berry who said: “The UK Government is proud to support the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to provide teachers with the tools they need to deliver high quality Language Arts and Maths lessons. As a teacher who has taught many Sierra Leone and British children I know how important these lessons plans will be ensuring the children of Sierra Leone get the education they deserve.”
Memuna Forna, representing the President’s Delivery Team, said: “Around 40% of our population is under 15 years of age. This means that the target group of beneficiaries for these initiatives amounts to almost 3 million young people - a substantial and influential proportion of our population. In providing them with a better education, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology simultaneously improves Sierra Leone’s future economic growth and social development. “
Idriss Massaquoi, a teacher from Gbankan Community Junior Secondary School in Bombali district, said: “The lesson plans are a guide – they can give us confidence. They have everything that is required and can give teachers confidence in what they are doing – objectives, learning outcomes, teaching aids. They encourage a child-centred learning method and the techniques can really help us to connect with the children.”